Letter from the Editors


As we pursue our aim to bring the conversation of theology and the arts to a broader audience, we’d like to make you aware of several upcoming changes here at Transpositions.

Changes to The Team
With Professor Trevor Hart transitioning from St Mary’s College to St Andrews, St Andrews Episcopal ChurchDr Gavin Hopps will be joining our team as the new ex officio Editor. As well, our Featured Artist Editor, Dr Jim Watkins, has accepted a position at Veritas School in Richmond, VA (USA) and so will be stepping down from his editorial role. However, he will continue on as a Regular Contributor. Preston Yancey will be taking over for Jim as our new Assistant Editor. We also plan to add several new regular contributors over the next few months.

Visiting Scholars
Transpositions began as a sort of overflow of the conversation that was already happening here in St Andrews. Thus, we intend to actively seek out guest contributions from the ITIA community. However, in addition to hearing from the ITIA community, we also want to broaden the conversation and have invited faculty and students from several other theology and the arts programmes (e.g., Duke Divinity School, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Yale Divinity School) to contribute as “Visiting Scholars.” Every other month we’ll devote a week to hearing from these scholars, Tanner Capps from Duke Divinity School being the first on the list.

Featured Artists and Artists in Residence
With Jim’s departure we’ll be retiring the “Featured Artists” series. That said, and building upon the success of that series, we’re introducing a new series: “Artists in Residence.” Alfonse BorysewiczMakoto Fujimura and Bruce Herman will contribute two posts each in the coming year.

We regularly update the list of ITIA Publications by ITIA students and alumni. For faculty publications, see here, and for the Ashgate Studies in Theology, Imagination and the Arts, see here. We’re particularly excited about ITIA alum Dr Robert MacSwain’s forthcoming Scripture, Metaphysics and Poetry: Austin Farrer’s The Glass of Vision with Critical Commentary in this series. These and other titles are available from Eighth Day Books, as well as Hearts & Minds Books, each of whom have offered our readers a generous 10% discount. Learn more here.

In addition to these changes, we’re looking forward to two symposia in this calendar year, the first focusing on poetry, and the second on natural theology and the arts. Our hope is that over this next academic year, Transpositions might develop as a sort of hub for the theology and the arts conversation. As always, we welcome you to join the conversation by commenting on the posts, or even writing for us.

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