A Curator Among Theologians: Suggested Reading
Editor’s Note: As a continuation of Christopher R. Brewer’s recent series engaging the work of Daniel A. Siedell, and, more specifically, as a sort…
Daniel A. Siedell (M.A. SUNY-Stony Brook;Ph.D. University of Iowa) is Lecturer in Christian and Classical Studies at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is also curator of LIBERATE, the resource ministry of Tullian Tchividjian and Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. Previously he was Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Nebraska-Omaha (2007-12) and Chief Curator of Sheldon Museum of Art (1996-2007). He blogs weekly at Patheos.
Editor’s Note: As a continuation of Christopher R. Brewer’s recent series engaging the work of Daniel A. Siedell, and, more specifically, as a sort…
Editorial Note: We are pleased to welcome Dan Siedell’s response to the four part series on Dan’s work authored by Christopher R. Brewer, which…