Vision (Visions 4, 5 and 7) – Sander Vloebergs








‘VISION’  (Visions 4, 5 and 7)



Ink markers on paper



In this series of illustrations, I explore God’s inbreaking into the virtual space of human imagination. Inspired by the book of Visions (14 visions) of the thirteenth-century mystic Hadewijch, I re-enact the visionary experience through my imaginative and artistic practice. I explore the possibilities of the human imagination in relation to the destructive and creative power of divine inspiration. I reflect on the dialectics between text and image by allowing a dialogue between Hadewijch’s imagery, captured in text, and my own associative thinking. I create a sacred and virtual space within my soul’s mnemonic faculty, mirrored by my canvas’s sacred space. This sacred space allows the Spirit to move freely, inspired by the fathomlessness of the Father and the concrete history of the Word Incarnate.



Sander Vloebergs is both an academic and an artist. He recently finished his PhD thesis in Theology (KULeuven) and Literature (UAntwerpen) on the conceptualization and interpretation of pain in the thirteenth-century mystical culture of Liège. Vloebergs’ source materials are ideas and images. His medium is located in the virtual world of the imagination. He expresses his creations through dance and drawings. Vloebergs is interested in the (re)construction of sacred art, movement and composition, and the interrelation between bodies, images, and words.


  • Karen is finishing a PhD program in the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts after careers in corporate management, consulting, and pastoral and theatre ministry. She explores theological and theatrical contexts of ’empty space’ and general human disposition toward it, with emphasis on improvisation (specifically Playback Theatre) and Holy Saturday. Since 2017, Karen has led or advised ITIA’s Transept group, a postgraduate-led group of multidisciplinary practicing artists. Karen was an editor for Transpositions from 2017 to 2022. As Editor-in-Chief, she fostered a closer partnership between Transpositions and Transept, hosted the In/break exhibition on the Transpositions site, and introduced regular series into the publishing schedule.