Our lives are populated with narratives. Whether we’re reading a novel, listening to a true-crime podcast, keeping up with the latest political developments or following the life of a meme on social media, everywhere we look we find ourselves emersed in and creating stories. Christianity, as well as other religions and worldviews, offer their own stories, grand-narratives that give us images of who we are and what really matters.
Transpositions invites article submissions for a series on narrative. Authors may write on a variety of themes or may choose to focus on a particular author, work or genre. Of particular relevance are questions concerning the use of narrative in Christian traditions, theories of narrative and theology, and the relationship of narrative to such things as identity, experience and religious faith. Articles should be between 1500–2000 words. Please email submissions to Editor-in-Chief Annie Konzelman at ak305@st-andrews.ac.uk by November 1, 2024 for consideration.