Though it’s not everyone’s favourite genre, horror comprises a large part of our cultural imagination. Cryptids and monsters, haunted houses, jump scares and gore, there’s no shortage of things that go bump in the night. From a Christian or broadly religious perspective, these elements and their portrayal in the arts can seem secondary, often confined to the category of “fiction” while things such as the sacred, divine or transcendent fall somewhere within the ranks of “reality.”
Transpositions is now accepting articles for a series on horror and the supernatural and its relevance to theology and the arts. Authors are invited to explore issues such as, the relation between horror and the supernatural and conceptions of the divine and the sacred; how horror as a genre may question assumptions of the “modern” and “rational,” as well considering this genre in light of notions of enchantment. Authors may also consider particular works within the genre and how this relates to spirituality, religion and theology more broadly. Articles should be between 1500–2000 words. Please email submissions to Editor-in-Chief Annie Konzelman at by Friday, 13 October for consideration.