Poetry: Tim Bartel
The following two poems were written as part of a project exploring the possibilities of employing iambic pentameter – that worn, old meter perfected…
Timothy E. G. Bartel is Instructor in Literature at Houston Baptist University. His poems have recently appeared in Christianity and Literature, Saint Katherine Review, Relief, and The Other Journal. His first collection of poetry, The Martyr, The Grizzly, The Gold, was published in 2012 by Damascene Press. He is the co-founder and editor of Californios, an online literary review.
The following two poems were written as part of a project exploring the possibilities of employing iambic pentameter – that worn, old meter perfected…
The California Condors – For NVH The way of dodos was their way, improbable birds Fated to fall from Darwin’s leaf-stripped tree. But man,…