Inspired by Simone Weil

O Lord   I pray for an end to prayer
an end to this clearing of the throat
through early morning hours
my tries   my inarticulate cries
dear friend   for your attention

O you   who never cease to look my way
I pray for an end   to this interlude
my afternoon intercessions
here in this universe   this subtraction
from your irreducible infinitude

O Lord   I pray for an end to my
despair   each evening with closed eyes
an end to this dividing wall   dividing us
to my tapping   & rapping upon it
an end to prayer



  • D.S. Martin is the author of five poetry collections, including Ampersand (2018), and his most recent book Angelicus (2021) — both from Cascade Books. He is Poet-in-Residence at McMaster Divinity College. He is also the Series Editor for the Poiema Poetry Series, where he has edited more than thirty poetry collections, and three anthologies. He and his wife live in Brampton, Ontario; they have two adult sons

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